Buying a used car
Here at Iwakuni Used Car, we know how difficult it can be to travel to another country and be stranded at a location miles away from the nearest store. Iwakuni is indeed a relatively small town compared to the bigger cities we've all heard about in the states. We also know what comes with living in a small countryside town; needing a car to get around!
Japan is home to most of our favorite cars. Japan is also home to a lot of cars we don't see very often back in the states; and buying a car here isn't as simple as buying one in the states either. In America, the process is pretty straight forward. You go to a dealer, choose the car that caught your fancy, sign some papers, drop that hard earned cash on the table and grab your keys. Sure, there's a little more to it, but you often drive home the same day with your new car ( unless you've had to order it or if you're making any special requests). The process is effortless as long as you have a trustworthy dealer to guide you through the madness.
Here in Japan? No, it's not that simple. In fact, buying a car can take up to two weeks to have it delivered and that's under the assumption that you have a place to park it! Yes, that's correct. If you do not have a place to park a car, you cannot purchase a vehicle in Japan. Also, all purchases of a vehicle will have to go through your nearest police station. They will request a written consent letter from the owner of the parking lot you've rented from (if you haven't rented a house with its own parking space). Once that's done, they'll give you a permission sticker which will allow you continue on with your Registration process.
However, if you live on base, you would skip the process of having to ask the police if you could buy a car.
The process is much more simple and quicker. Aside from getting permission from the police, you would need to get the car insured, get it registered, pay the road tax and get it inspected; but it's all in Japanese. The good new is, our company will take care of the whole process for you. All you need to do is get insurance for the car, the letter of consent( if you're off base) and the rest is in our hands. And if you live on base, the car will be delivered in a weeks time! Our prices will include the cost of everything that was mentioned; aside from the insurance. You can't beat that!
Our company has English speaking staff to ensure nothing is lost in translation. Things will be very difficult trying purchase a vehicle if you're unable to speak Japanese. So come by Iwakuni Used Car to make your life easier. It's our main focus to provide the best experience while you purchase your new car!

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